Exterior Grease Traps

exterior Grease Trap (2)4 Aces Plumbing can keep your exterior grease trap pumped out in order to keep health departments from fining your establishment.

Grease interceptors periodically get full depending on usage and capacity of tank.  They are designed to filter grease out of wastewater to avoid backups of city sewers.

Different city and county authorities are coming out with new programs businesses must follow to maintain grease interceptors or face stiff fines or penalties.

Grease traps need to be pumped out.  There are certain chemical products out there that claim you add their chemical and you never have to clean out your interceptor.  But beware; all that happens is their chemical liquifies the grease and carries it toward the outlet end of the pipe, therefore, leaving the grease out of the trap and out into your sewer, or worse – the city sewer.  That again will lead to steep fines once they find out you are not maintaining your grease trap.

4 Aces understands exterior grease traps – trust the experts. Make an appointment online or call (513) 422-2772 or toll free 877 584-2237.